Thursday, July 7, 2011

Weather Girl!


Again I'm late (again!) Ahhh!  Been one of those weeks.  My husband's Pet Peeve.....


  1. OMG! A frost alert to bring in all your plants! And at 2 am! That would be my pet peeve too!

    But I would like to have one for all the tornadoes we get in my area, that would come in really handy!

  2. I agree - I think that little radio would come in handy and you're right - you're better safe than sorry! I can just picture you staying up all night listening to your radio and driving your hubby nuts ;)

  3. You used to live on a boat? That's so cool. I would probably be obsessed with that as well. I'm always looking at the weather channel.

  4. My daughter is obsessed with checking the weather on my phone. I think she would love this.

  5. Lol! I'd probably be a bit miffed myself!!!
    I rarely, if ever actually check the weather. It annoys my boyfriend because I'm never prepared for rain!

  6. My husband's degree is in meteorology. He doesn't get to use it on submarines, so he is kind of obsessed with the weather at home lol. We had a great weather radio that finally died but it got good use on a 3 week camping trip.
